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Buying and Selling with eBay Global Inventory

For people buying or selling things online on sites like eBay, one of the biggest challenges has always been dealing with international shipping. Buyers can find exactly the product they are looking for, only to discover that it doesn’t ship to their country. Or, if they are able to buy the item they want, they get hit with unpleasant surprises like customs fees that have to be paid upon delivery.

Sellers, on the other hand, find that they have to make a tough decision between expanding their market and business potential, and taking on the daunting task of shipping globally. Luckily, a new service from eBay called Global Inventory or the Global Shipping Program has changed all of this, making it easier and more transparent for shoppers and sellers in the United States to transact with people in other countries all around the world.

How does eBay Global Inventory work?

This Global Shipping Program from eBay connects US shoppers and sellers with a Kentucky-based distribution center so that buying and selling internationally is no more complicated than domestic shipping.

Buyers are now able to easily shop sellers from over 100 different countries all over the world. eBay facilitates the whole process by showing you the final price of the item right on the product page, including estimated shipping and import charges. You can get the actual, final charges in your shopping cart before checking out, as well as estimated delivery dates.

Similarly, eBay sellers are now able to easily expand their business to potential customers in more than 100 international countries. The great news here is that eBay Global Inventory takes care of all the hassles we usually associate with international shipping. All you have to do is wait for an international customer to buy one of your eligible items, and then ship it to the eBay distribution center in Kentucky. And don’t worry, you won’t have to fuss over whether an item is eligible or not, because eBay will take care of that for you. They will even automatically hide any of your products that might be restricted in a certain shopper’s country.

eBay Global Inventory is just one more way this company is revolutionizing e-commerce for everyone.

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